MA - Interactive Arts
Module UA1AAW-30-M
I have chosen to create the journal for this module
completely online - this in itself is a part of the
research that I am doing; finding methods for creating
simple, effective 'drag and drop' blogs, journals,
sketchbooks, diaries and galleries. As more of my students
work in the digital realm I need to become familiar with
ways in which they can present their work, and I can assess
The journal is organised by assignment, with additional
material such as galleries, notes and collectings.
Over the period of this unit I have experimented with a
blog/diary, walking on a regular basis to the summit of a
nearby hill, recording my thoughts via mobile phone, and
leaving myself answer machine messages that I have later
transcribed and added to the journal.
My own evaluation of this process can be found via the
index/site map along with a feed-back form so that visitors
can let me know their experience of navigating this site.
May 28/08