To give this a structure I walk for half an hour, with a section about half way through, up hill and between two gates, where I record my thoughts on an iPhone.
With technical advances this year, I have been transcribing these recordings straight to type in order to enter them into this blog.
The entries have been left largely without punctuation, as the words have flowed. To facilitate searching, I have created the tag cloud above.
The idea of walking and talking is far from new, but in the context of the research that I have done this year it resonates well with the concept of mind and undermind; of a well of intuitive knowing that sits below the conscious, with thoughts occasionally rising into the conscious when they are not directly sought.
I have found this an extremely useful tool for generating thought.
A comment that I heard on the radio recently rings true: “I never know what I think until I hear what I have to say”.
EC Container 4
27/01/10 09:54
idea for an application like wordle - that picks the colour palette from a painting - colours and how much of each colour is used in an image