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EC Container 4

6th May

It is Thursday, 6 May it is polling day and I found out that I have one month left as the deadline has been brought forward which means that I'll have to to cut down scale down what I planned to do concentrate on some of the basics I'm a little bit cross that my iPhone apps won't be finished because I'm not sure that after this I will have the same motivation to get them finished particularly if they start costing lots of money although doing the projects next year with UWE on the animation and flip books will perhaps provide the motivation over the summer to get them done so I will keep on working on that I just cross because it's a waste of a great deal of time and energy that I have put in this year without the outcome this morning thinking about what I've termed the milieu environment the grounds on which on working in relation to the art of the 20th century in relation to montage and collage again I will not be able to get through the collage book makes sense of that and add that to the section maybe it's not necessary maybe what I have done will be more than enough but the thinking when it becomes particularly difficult for me is that the tale end of this montage in putting two things together which might be visual or they might be conceptual might be that you put ideas together as much as you put images together and that this global network and the databases on the computer have made it easier and easier to collect vast amounts of things that you can put together temporarily or you can try many more things much more quickly iteration maybe I could say that the 21st century will be as a century of the iteration as we can try things out and try things out and try things out Mashable is another word a century of mash and collaboration as people come very quickly see what others are doing and build on it and the idea that this in some way perhaps mirrors the way in which the brain works with neural networks going off all over then making the connections and where originality comes out is by making new connections or unusual collections putting things together that weren't necessary put together before that's where innovation comes fromIt was an idea that I know it was to do with sailing ships the fact that the square leaders gave way to the schooners and the innovation was happening in America which was separate from the Admiralty in the tradition of the square rigged boats that was stopping the innovation because people couldn't cope with the concept of a sail that wasn't square onto the wind and another one yesterday where after years and years and years we discovered or we have discovered that ceramic plates are 100 times better for acrylic pallets that are the plastic ones that the companies sell us even a disposable plastic ones the ceramic plate is just so much nicer to use and so much more easy to clean so the other idea is to do with space and this is going to Manovich I guess the spatial montage as the way we used to look at images and make symbolic connections in our heads with the imagery that we saw so the element of conception was there through the symbolism and film often it references itself you get a film referencing a film referencing a film as we saw with that with the animation that I showed the yr 8's on Monday so you're getting visual references back but it's not just visual because they are conceptual references and somehow a conceptual reference is in a space which is a little bit like a virtual space and the brain which used to be our heads the idea of concept being our heads at the brain has also become the network and the people in the brain are the neurones and the concept is not just sparking at in our own heads when we see something but it's sparking off in this much bigger space which is not a two-dimensional space is a very three-dimensional space possibly a four dimensional space as it brings in time and maybe eventually a 5 dimensional space brining in something else which is the collaboration that is happening the way that it's all sparking at once maybe Jung's collective consciousness whatever it is a good leave the idea of the film is so flat is on a flat surface and in the new projectors are becoming visually three-dimensional but it's more than that because if you add in time that is not temporal but can happen anywhere at any time you're getting much more like this brain sparking off in all directions at once an overtime and over space and this is what the computer technology is enabling. Thinking about Muybridge in terms of creating a sequence of images and the concept of the plate, the still image the frame they were still putting frames of a light-sensitive material into the backs of cameras but led on to the cine film which has long strip of celluloid with consecutive images on which fed back into the film camera and created to 35mm camera and then thinking about in relation to the flip books and modern digital cameras which are able to take a sequence of images either as a movie or as a sequence of images so it's a good digital camera to an extent is breaking down that distinction am I just mention again that iteration is an idea of what the 20th century art is a combination of iteration and being able to take lots of frames consecutively very quickly one after another. The idea of the artists becoming collective rather than an individual even though it may be channelled and funnelled through an individual is very similar or has a simile in me as an art teacher or a games-master being the Channel or funnel for the creative happenings either on the web or within the classroom. Teaching arts and having ideas like the iPhone apps and things like that is a little bit like a farmer sowing seed you cast the seed you don't really know where its going to fall people might not e-mail me back kids might not be interested you don't know whether the seed will grow in a fertile mind you might not even be there if it does grow to see it flower we might be there and it may grow from a tiny seed into a vast redwood tree.

25th April

It is Sunday 25th of April I'm heading up the hill in glorious sunshine and wondering about all the recordings that I've been making recently that I haven't yet turned into type and about how much time it takes and how useful the recording is well I guess how accurate it needs to be as well I don't guess it needs to be too accurate main thing has been going on over the last couple of days is a game of drawing ping-pong mobile drawing with a tutor of art drawing at Wimbledon art college which opens up lots of exciting possibilities of developing a project there over the coming year not that this would be hugely useful to the MA but there are so many parts of this project which are now set to continue into the coming year the task than I do today or one of the tasks is to set out some of my ideas that these ongoing projects for school in order for them to give me the time to do it time is an interesting point because I find that I am rapidly running out of time time and energy are both limited my energy is very definitely limited at the moment and over the last week I've been trying to get lots more sleep recharge my batteries after the fairly titanic efforts of the Easter break when I was really pushing myself quite hard and in terms of the work that I'm doing for the masters it seems that I might need to rein myself back in a bit simply because there won't be time to do all the things that I wish to do to any degree of finish although I am a bit sad that the iPhone app in particular isn't further because I still think that that is a very good idea and it will also be very useful for the flipbook stuff that I'm planning to do next year so I would very much like to get the iPhone app working and the other app on the iphone which is consequences I've not heard back on that at all so I would like to move that one forward maybe get that finished but the photoshoppingpong has been working beautifully I am thoroughly enjoying it and I'm keen to get more people involved are and that it is I guess going to be another ongoing project one bit of work that has to be done this term for that there will be the preparation of the presentation that I will give in San Francisco this summer and I'm thinking that that presentation or at least my part of it could be the bulk of the evaluation that I do for this master's project to combine those two bits of work and to try and get them finished in the half term in the summer what else I would much like to move photoshoppingpong towards freehand drawing as well as photomontage and to mix up the elements of drawing and montage and get computer drawing much more established at school it's something that we don't do a lot of at all and it may be simply that we haven't had the devices with which to do it the graphics tablet helps but I am very much looking forward to the possibility of the ipad with drawing applications on that one of the things that was coming out yesterday with the iPhone drawing that I was doing was the ability to mix many of the apps use the appropriate app rather than one program that does it all to use the program thats most suitable to the idea and mix and match them
EC Container 5
EC Container 6