EC Container 4
I had been hoping to develop this iPhone app over the past year, but I have been thwarted by circumstance. I met with two companies in Bristol, both of whom said that they might produce it for me. The first then declined after a few weeks of procrastination. The second company has produced a working prototype, but does not currently have the time or will to proceed. I have now approached a company who will do the project to my specification, for amounts of money. I have also approached a developer who has produced a very beautiful iphone zoetrope along the same lines that I have in mind, with the hope that we can collaborate on a development of his app, incoporating some of my flip book and stop frame motion ideas, and scrolling using the inclinometer.
Next year I am collaborating with the Centre for Fine Print Research at UWE, offering training for teachers based around flip books. Aardman animators have agreed to produce a set of about 20 flip books for these events; teachers will learn how to make flip books then take this learning back into school, and we shall run a competition. At the end of the year we shall mount and exhibition of the best at UWE. This project will coincide with an exhibition of Muybridge at the Tate. I am hoping that I shall have a finished iPhone app to offer by then, as well as an online version of the flash zoetrope featured on the previous page, that will play from a set of images, uploaded to a website.
Below is the extension of my idea; to produce a simple wire frame that will hold the iphone, turning it into a copy camera with with to produce Terry Gilliam like cut paper stop frame animations.

EC Container 5