EC Container 4

Meadowale Secondary School, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
Peter French and I have been playing games throughout the year, corresponding about the development of idea.
Kaptsh/Nlarge - sidcot/Knowle West Media Centre.
Nlarge are a group of teenage photographers in Bristol. I set up a ‘mirror’ group at Sidcot with whom I have met weekly. The Sidcot group called themselves ‘Kaptsh’.
Sidcot/Ferryway school, Malden, Massachusetts, USA.
This has been a second collaboration through much of the year. Ferryway are part of the Adobe Youth Voices programme, and have a Wiki on which we have been posting games. 15 of my yr 9 students were twinned with 15 students from Ferryway. The games are ongoing. Robert Simpson, who is in charge of the programme at Ferryway, visited me in November, and we have been collaborating since. The Wiki is a closed site.
WasDig - Winscombe and Sandford Digital Imaging Group.
This is a group of keen amateurs photographers who meet at Sidcot once a month, and developed games of photoshop pingpong via a Flickr group.
Mount Colah Public School, NSW, Australia.
Yr 7 students from Sidcot are involved with some primary students from Mount Colah in a variation of the game. Students took photographs around the school campus, wrote descriptions of the photographs, and then traded the descriptions alone. From these students created digital artwork, which, when finished, could be likened to the original photographs.
Derrick Welsh
Derrick has an associate drawing fellowship at Wimbledon Art College, and is researching drawing on mobile devices in partnership with Nokia.
Adobe Education Leaders
Severals ADE’s have started games with the aim of collaboration next year. Robert Simpson, Peter French and I shall be presenting photoshoppingpong at the ADE summer conference in San Hose this July, with the aim of getting many schools involved.
EC Container 5