Silver Focus Group - Bridgeman Art Lirary
22/05/09 09:30 AM
notes taken during the second Silver Group meeting - concentrating on a review of the prototype of web based activities on the theme of sustainability
Silver: Semantic Interactive Learning Visualisation Environment Research
focus group two
user generated content - BAL content
look at Animish - look at art@sidcot - downloading fonts
voiceovers? do this on mouseover?
mouseover to display video - click for full screen
like the tooltip / mouseover
don’t really like the breadcrumbtrail
could the drag and drop be random rather than grid - might give a scale from good to bad
+ a rank order
with the exploring - I think I would add a mouseover on the hotspot and a click close rather than a X
textured backgrounds? mataphor - paper, photo, album
quite like colour
look at kid popular interfaces - must not look like languages / history text book.. bad association - youtube/bebo much better association
not keen on gold buttons
like the building sorter, a bit like futurelab, spacing of lettering and font
like the separation - lib on one side - like side bar in website - use colour for this separation
make comment box bigger? don’t like the blue - ‘done’ button bottom right? keep in same place on every screen
like the tagging - magic
output? assessment?
- these are the buildings you choose - these are your comments - capture the journey? add your comment to the photo?
controlled assessment task?
over laps - venn diagram
links - spider diagram
visualisations with data
have the environmentalist/entreprenure/communityworker etc. real interviews - people who have done the exercise - real people - with their real reasons
dragging about - the tactile nature of the interface
working in pairs - or in group - data from whole group
quizz - strongly agree/disagree slider
zooms - 3Dishness rather than flat/page based
actually rank - put stuff in order of importance
‘wishes for the future’
‘hive mind’
uploading photos - chosing best photos - upload three of the best, tag as to why
students wanting to take photos and upload - audio too - ipod app - we shall fight on the beeches
focus group two
user generated content - BAL content
look at Animish - look at art@sidcot - downloading fonts
voiceovers? do this on mouseover?
mouseover to display video - click for full screen
like the tooltip / mouseover
don’t really like the breadcrumbtrail
could the drag and drop be random rather than grid - might give a scale from good to bad
+ a rank order
with the exploring - I think I would add a mouseover on the hotspot and a click close rather than a X
textured backgrounds? mataphor - paper, photo, album
quite like colour
look at kid popular interfaces - must not look like languages / history text book.. bad association - youtube/bebo much better association
not keen on gold buttons
like the building sorter, a bit like futurelab, spacing of lettering and font
like the separation - lib on one side - like side bar in website - use colour for this separation
make comment box bigger? don’t like the blue - ‘done’ button bottom right? keep in same place on every screen
like the tagging - magic
output? assessment?
- these are the buildings you choose - these are your comments - capture the journey? add your comment to the photo?
controlled assessment task?
over laps - venn diagram
links - spider diagram
visualisations with data
have the environmentalist/entreprenure/communityworker etc. real interviews - people who have done the exercise - real people - with their real reasons
dragging about - the tactile nature of the interface
working in pairs - or in group - data from whole group
quizz - strongly agree/disagree slider
zooms - 3Dishness rather than flat/page based
actually rank - put stuff in order of importance
‘wishes for the future’
‘hive mind’
uploading photos - chosing best photos - upload three of the best, tag as to why
students wanting to take photos and upload - audio too - ipod app - we shall fight on the beeches