Dust or Magic. Hughes, Bob, Bosko Books, 2007, ISBN-10: 0954723953
blueboard, Agusita, Emma, Thomson, Sam, et al, Community Media South West, ISBN 978 0 9555018 1 4 2006
Creativity, New Technologies and Learning, Loveless, A. 2002, NESTA Futurelab report
The Last Promenade, Sydney Gardens Bath, Snaddon, Brenda 2000 ISBN 0948975598
Pause and Effect, the art of interactive narrative Meadows, Mark Stephen, New Riders 2003 ISBN 0-7357-1171-2
New Media: A Critical Introduction, Lister, Martin, Dovey, Jon, Giddings, Seth, Grant, Iain, Kelly, Kieran, Routledge 2203 ISBN-10: 0-415-22377-6
Space Between People, How the Virtual Changes Physical Architecture, Edited by Doesinger, Stephen, Prestel, 2008 ISBN 978-3-7913-3991-7
Digital Storytelling, a creators guide to interactive entertainment, Handler Miller, Carolyn, Focal Press, 2004 ISBN-13 : 978-0-240-80510-8
Why Art Cannot Be Taught, Elkins, James, Illinois, 2001 ISBN 0-252-06950-1
futurecasting digital media, Cotton, Bob, FT.com, 2002 ISBN 0 273 65348 2
Island in the Hills, Reminiscences of Sidcot School 1900-1930, Gladwin, Christine, Sidcot School, 1998
The Language of New Media, Manovich, Lev, Mit Press, 2001, ISBN 0-262-13374-1
Art-Based Games, Pavey, Don, Methuen, 1979 ISBN 0-416-71420-X
The New Youth Games Book, Dearling, Alan, Armstrong, Howard, Russell House Publishing, 1994
The Power in our Hands, Giboson, Tony, Jon Carpenter, 1996 ISBN 1 897766 28 9
Art As Therapy An introduction to the use of ar as a therapeutic technique, edited by Dalley Tessa, 1984, ISBN 0-422-79730-2
Other publications:
Collapsing the Gap, the politics of culture and regeneration, Poulter, Simon, et. al. Knowle West Media Centre, 2008
Curriculum and teaching innovation, Transforming classroom practice and personalisation, a futurelab handbook, Ben Williamson and Sarah Payton, Futurelab, 2009
Using digital technologies to promote inclusive practices in education, a futurelab handbook, Dr Leila Walker and Ann Logan, Futurelab, 2009
What the research says about portable ICT devices in teaching and learning - Becta
Reimagining outdoor learning spaces, Primary capital, co-design and educational transformation, a futurelab handbook, Dr Tim Rudd, Futurelab, 2009
Handheld Computers (PDAs) in Schools Becta Report, March 2003 Perry, David- already archived, and out of date - showing the extraordinary pace of current development
In Our Opinion, Knowle West Media Centre, 2008 ISBN 978-0-9560274-1-2
Vision - Jan-June 2009, Futurelab
Welcome to 0117 - Made in Bristol, 2009
pdf documents downloaded from the internet:
Their Space, Education for a digital generation, Green, Hannah, Hannon, Celia, Demos, 2007, accessed 18/4/09
Mobile Learning Technologies and the Move towards ‘User-Led Education’, accessed 8/5/09
The Immersive Learning Project, accessed 31/5/09
A National Foresight Strategy for Australia, Richard A Slaughter, 1996, accessed 31/5/09
Play then and Play Now, Bob Hughes, 2007, accessed 17/5/09
The Power of Play, Bob Hughes, 2007, accessed 17/5/09
Report on the Beyond GPS workshop at mscapeFest07, Richard Hull & Tom Melamed 3 Dec 2007, accessed 18/5/09
Create-A-Scape planning guide and step-by-step instructions for making a mediascape (using the new Mscape Suite) (July 2008), accessed 4/5/09
The use of Mobile Technologies to support Personalised Learning, Michael Wilkinson, accessed 8/5/09
Can An ARG Run Automatically? Jennefer Hart and Josephine Reid, accessed 24/2/09
Ready for the future? nesta, accessed 8/5/09
Semiotics artifacts, space and community: a case study on pinholes, Françoise Decortis, accessed 17/4/09
WAITING FOR IMMEDIACY (A case study discussion on the role of localized nature of a mobile gaming and new haptic vocabularies). Larissa Hjorth, accessed 17/4/09
Handheld Computers(PDAs) in SchoolsReport, March 2003 David Perry, becta, accessed 15/4/09
Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing, accessed 10/5/09
First Principles of Instruction Submitted for publication to Educational Technology Research & Development M. David Merrill, Utah State University, accessed 11/1/09
Let their voice be heard" - learner led change in services for schools Doug Dickinson, 2007, Demos, accessed 11/1/09
Emerging Technologies for Learning, becta, 2008 accessed 4/6/09
Turning Alien Spaces into Informed Places accessed 1/6/09
All of the following papers were downloaded from http://www.futurelab.org.uk/resources/publications-reports-articles/handbooks
Digital resources to support basic skills education for 14-19 year-olds, Anne Sparrowhawk, 2007, accessed 25/5/09
Personalisation and Digital Technologies, Hannah Green, Keri Facer and Tim Rudd with Patrick Dillon and Peter Humphreys, accessed 17/4/09
Literature Review in Mobile Technologies and Learning, Laura Naismith, Peter Lonsdale, Giasemi Vavoula, Mike Sharples, University of Birmingham, , accessed 15/4/09
Social Software report, , accessed 9/5/09
what if… re-imagining learning spaces, accessed 17/4/09
Towards new learning networks, accessed 17/4/09
LEARNER ENGAGEMENT A review of learner voice initiatives across the UK’s education sectors Leila Walker, 2008, accessed 24/5/09
2020 and beyond, Future scenarios for education in the age of new technologies, accessed 20/4/09
Learning with handheld technologies, December 2006, Fern Faux, Angela McFarlane and Nel Roche, University of Bristol, Keri Facer, accessed 24/5/09
HANDHELDS learning with handheld technologies, accessed 24/5/09
Literature Review in Creativity, New Technologies and Learning, accessed 17/4/09
Creativity, technology and learning – a review of recent literature, accessed 17/4/09
Savannah: mobile gaming and learning? K. Facerw, R. Joiner, D. Stanton, J. Reidz, R. Hullz & D. Kirk, accessed 17/4/09
Digital resources to support basic skills education for 14-19 year-olds The landscape, and opportunities for development, accessed 25/5/09