Make block diagram of criteria
research methods - a plan or guide to what we are doing -
create a question or a statement then break this down
What would be my research question? What would be my
Liminal - as in preliminal
Autoethnography - using yourself in your research
Apple RTC bid
Animation days at Roehampton and Gateshead
Becta bid
Pervasive media - Holburne Bid
Drag and Drop - Banner Zest and Pulp Motion, Rapidweaver,
scrapblog Flash pervasive media - mediascapes
San Francisco - the home of Digital?
Thoughts on podcasting - Thoughts on attempting to create
podcast of assignment 3 - file size - 140 mb (3/4 hour) -
time line element - scanning of text - not natural speaking
- even with script - how do they do it - get onto kudlian
about auto cue - the difference between the spoken and the
written word - learned and honed - a skill I could do with
learning. - along with being able to touch time at the
speed that I can talk - or having device to turn the
recording on and off - would a remote not do this?
Information on courses - OD 55 sound effects man Feb 14th
2.00 - go to media centre and see what workshops run
between 2.00 and 4.00 - get thought some technical
workshops - organise as group or see what there is. - Media
Centre desk organise - get list of what there is. -
organise with other folk
How to find source code in dreamweaver - right click just
after src - code hint tools - url browser
do ideas for the time capsule as an on line questionnaire -
would acrobat do this?