The biggest advent on my horizon is the imminent opening
(Mid September) of a new performing and creative arts block
at Sidcot School. After 12 years in a porta-cabin, itself a
response to an expanding art department that has continued
to expand, it will be great to move into purpose build
facilities, with nearly twice the floor space that we have
The implications of this new building are not just space to
fill with lessons and teaching, I hope that the new centre
will become an arts centre, with performances, exhibitions,
workshops and evening classes. The space for exhibiting art
work is wonderful with space for milling, perhaps even a
cafe, bracketed by two areas for performance.
The implications of this new build for me, other than the
obvious, is a vision to use digital media to break down the
traditional curriculum and subject structures that have
existed, with Art, Music and Drama being discrete areas,
and to use digital media as a bridge, or an umbrella. to
encompass these areas and draw them into a unified creative
arts faculty. I envisage group work that combines acting.
creating sound tracks, filming, producing and broadcasting.
There is great potential also for using digital technology
to blur the boundaries, not just between the creative
subjects, but across both curriculum and age range.
As a school we are looking at the possibility of reducing
the examination load at key stage four, perhaps offering a
core of exams, and complimenting this with subject choices
of our own devising, based in cross curricular activities,
reflecting the Quaker nature of the school, with social and
environmental issues taking greater prominence.
I see digital technology as taking a pivotal roll in these
exciting possibilities, and plan to help realise this