This is a second experiment in using a website and blog as
the journal for my MA.
I started with an on-line blog called scrapblog, moved on
to dedicated software - I looked at Notebook, Journler,
before translating all the work into an iWeb blog for
assessment at Christmas. Although iWeb worked well it did
not have the flexibility that I am after, nor the
trompe-l'œil effects that I am keen to achieve. I had a
look at some software called Tinderbox, which is functional
I am sure, but expensive and ugly. So I have settled on
this, which is similar to iWeb, but much more customisable.
The software is called Rapid Weaver. I have paid for a
site, for which I get a customisable blog, galleries that
integrate with iPhoto, the ability to customise the look
and feel of the site, and for an extra fee, a commercial
engine as well.
I could start selling my work... or attempting to...
The use of this software for the creation of this journal
is in itself part of the research that I have been doing -
finding the method for creating simple effective drag and
drop blog/journal/sketchbook/diary creation.
Evaluation -
I do wonder at the value of blogging a apposed to the
writing of well thought out honed and polished thesis,
there is a temptation to write reams of rubbish. The
recorded blog that I have been keeping this term perhaps
even more so. It has been very interesting analysing how I
do talk. Occasionally it has worked really well, with new
thoughts coming to me as I have managed to clear my head of
thought on the way up the hill. Transcribing the calls has
been a trifle tedious although it has served as a
reflection, and has made the task of going back through the
blog speedier, although I do not imagine that I shall be
going back though it on any regular basis. There is no
doubt that my touch typing has improved.
The site itself has been a joy to create, and I have been
experimenting with flash to recreate the presentations that
I have given to my seminar group. All this is good
As a reflection on this unit as a whole, I still feel that
I have been a very self centred rather than putting the
time into researching research methodology. But time is
short, I trust that I have infused learning through what I
have read, collected, and through the lectures that I have
The seminars have been informative and fun. As with the
first module, I am not ready to stop yet - I wish to
continue - mind, I have a sore wrist and forefinger with
all the typing and touch pad navigation, it might be time
to do something real rather than virtual.
feedback form