I have just completed this on-line bid for a seminar slot
at Bett 2009
Exploring and Exploiting Digital Media in Art and Design
I teach in a secondary school art department and specialise
in work with digital media. Over the years I have built up
a portfolio of students work from digital
Image-manipulation, animation, film making and web design,
to recent explorations in interactive art, mobile devices
and pervasive media. The work ranges from classroom
projects with younger children to individual 6th form work
created by students that have gone on to study and practice
digital art and design at degree level and as a
profession. With the
creativity of my students and with the ever expanding
network of other teachers working in this field I have been
building up a repertoire of ideas, techniques and examples
from simple cut and paste in Photoshop, to sophisticated
use of Flash.
Digital cameras, digital imaging and editing software and
film making all have huge potential for group work, for
cross curricular work, and for work outside the classroom,
as well as exciting possibilities for blurring the
boundaries between traditional subjects.
I have been particularly
interested recently in experimenting with group work, with
the potential of the internet for sharing, and with the use
of web technology for publishing and assessing work. I
enjoy nothing more than to share this work with other
teachers in hope that it will inspire and enthuse.
am head of Art at a small Quaker school, part day, part
boarding, part international, with pupils ranging in age
from 3 to 18.
With a background in fine art and printmaking, I became
interested in the potential of digital technology in the
art room from the late 80's and have pursued this interest
though it’s rapid and remarkable development. From
animations in ‘Deluxe Paint’ on a floppy-booted Amiga 500
to machines with quadruple dual core processors and
multiple gigabytes of ram which enable real-time video
editing, interactive multimedia presentations and 3D
modeling on industry standard software, I have been
consistently exploring, exploiting and integrating this
emerging technology into my teaching, department, and
I am an Apple Distinguished Educator and Adobe Education
Leader, I have published an interactive CD Rom on digital
media in the art room and I have been in demand to share my
experience and expertise at conferences, seminars, and
training sessions. In the coming six weeks I shall be
involved in a conference for PGCE students at Roehampton
University, a conference for art teachers at Gateshead CLC,
and will be presenting a seminar at the Adobe Education
Leaders conference in San Francisco.