Teaching as StoryTelling - Kieran Egan
A Whole New Mind - Daniel Pink
Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative - Ken Robinson.
Design Research: Methods and Perspectives by B Laurel
Visualizing research: a guide to the research process in
art and design By Carole Gray, Julian Malins, Ashgate
Publishing, ISBN:0754635775
Link in Google Book Search - includes
extensive preview
Suggested by Roy Voss - Air Guitar Dave Hickey Stuart
Morgan Inclination What the Butler Saw Art and Discontent
Thomas McKerilly
Essential reading for Practice and Critical Analysis module
(from MA Handbook) - summer reading in preparation for next
Calvino, Italo 'If On A Winter's Night A Traveller' 1979
Campbell, Joseph 'The Hero with a Thousand Faces' Pantheon
Books New York. 1949 1965
Landow, George P 'Hypertext: the Convergence of
Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology' John Hopkins
University Press London 1992
Propp, Vladimir 'Morphology of the Folktale' University of
Texas Press 2000 (orig. 1968)
Vogler, Christopher 'The writers journey: Mythic Structure
for Storytellers and Screenwriters' Braun - Brumfield,
Mitchigan 1992
Others -
Berk E and Devlin J (Eds) 'The Hypertext and Hypermedia
Handbook' McGraw Hill Publishing Co.Inc. New York 1991
Luthi Max ' The Fairytale as Artform and Portrait of Man'
Films to look for - Momento, Groundhog Day Sliding Doors,
U-Turn, Dolls, Mirror (Andrei Tarkovsky)