28th February
28/02/09 13:00
On the technicalities of blogging again - Second life and virtual reality - The Sydney Gardens project at the Holburne Museum in Bath - The presentation of work to date - a slideshow produced for the Holburne Education staff - Further thoughts on Duncan Speakman's seminar and the nature of headphone wearing, leading into some thoughts on telling personal stories - real or imaginary - Further thoughts on the nature of time and space - in relation to film, mediascape - the temporal as opposed to spatial
This is now a re run because I lost the comments that I made on Thursday morning. It’s now Saturday 28 February and this is about my 4th different type of recording device that that i am testing this one seems to be a goody, But I lost what I said before, so I am just going to recap, This was about the project which is now really rolling to produce a mediascape for the Hoburne museum to be giving a take about this on Tuesday very briefly but I thought that I could have fun with a powerpoint in the latest version of Pages I will have to download and pay for that so it will run from my iphone. which is a bit wow and just do a little presentation of what I plan to do on Tuesday and I can put that up on the web for others and generate some interest there. The Duncan Speakman talk last Tuesday, I shall have to respond to that as well, and I had lots of thoughts around when you put headphones on you put yourself into a slightly different reality that real time is what he was going on about and that can be interesting that cutting yourself off from the real world but the real world still being there - two realities going on at the same time a bit like getting into a car where you extend your body to encompass the car when you are online you are sort of creating a space that is outside of your physical time and space and you can do lots of things with that, not all of them necessarily good, I am thinking of the extraordinary ease and prevalence of pornography on the web made so much easier by the fact that you can get into that space very easily and very secretly;ly without letting anyone know that you are doing it which seems true of being on chat sites and things like that, you don’t necessarily have to be you you can be you can imagine who you want to be, a bit like second life you can create a character for yourself, a bit like hitchhiking really, in the days when i used to hitchhike, get into someone’s car, I needn't necessarily be myself, i could invent stories, invent backgrounds for me, just for that bit of the journey and in some ways the time that you are in a chat with someone is a little bit like a journey, But it was more about when you put on headphones you create a different space within the real world, so it is a virtual world, a real virtual world within the real world, if that is not getting too confusing. And what Duncan was doing, just playing with it very slightly so it might even be recognisable sounds from the place where you are but played back at a different time very slightly or just altered in some very small way but to create a sort of slightly uneasy or uncanny environment. And thinking more about headphones and the way we use them in the tube headphone on you sort of cut yourself off with everyone around you, like you don’t want to communicate with them, which we seem to be doing more and more this is what is happening with the internet and chat rooms where you spend hours in your own environment I know when in the evening if my wife is watching a telly programme that I don’t want to watch and I put headphones on to listen to music I am not in the same space as her even thought physically i am in the same space, and when she tries to talk to me I can’t here her, sort of there but not there. It it very interesting with things like gaming and alternate realties is that it is like an alternate reality it is to do with the imagination, and you sort of cart yourself off like you do when you read a book or watch a film. I think that I talked quite a lot about film space actually, film is on a time scale where you stop and you watch a film and you know how long it is going to go on, it has a beginning a middle and an end very structured and engineered and you are very passive, whereas with mediascape you are much more involved, you can get the story in any sequence or any order you want or just get some of it or get all all of it, so although the audio tracks play in real time - in virtual real time, like a cinema, the actual way in which you experience it can have much more of you own choice in as to where you go and get the experiences like the one in Queen Charlotte Square in Bristol so you could pick up the whole of the story little bit by little bit depending on where you go and it’s much more like a spacial montage thinking about Manovich and his book New Media and the fact that the spacial montage can be experienced all at once or lots of bits going on at the same time on a screen and it’s that combination of real time and instant time and bits of time that are not real but are played through the cinematic time all these ideas are what Duncan was talking about and what he was getting into. I was wondering about things that I thought about before, going around a gallery where you can get an instant feel for what is there, if you go to a movie you have to be on trust that you’re going to want to sit through it either because you know the stars or the reputation of the director or something like that or you have had it recommended by someone else. With a work of art are you going to put that time and effort in to watch something if you have no idea of the quality of it , because time is a commitment, and there is getting to be less and less of it as I grow older.