30th May
30/05/09 20:37
Last blogwalk - taking photos for a photosynth, some self evaluation of the past weeks work in the Sydney Gardens, further thoughts on the website in relation to maps and mapping.Click here for full transcription
4th May
04/05/09 16:34
Thoughts on the technology and pedagogy, the difficulty of using the PC’s and iPaqs, working with excluded teenagers, thinking about the organisation of the siteClick here for full transcription
2nd May
02/05/09 16:33
Creativity and Dyslexia, pedagogy, bashing square pegs into round holesClick here for full transcription
30th April
30/04/09 05:39
Worries about time, European year of Creativity and Innovation - making bids for funding, creativity and inclusivity, thoughts on the nature of creativity and young people.Click here for full transcription
23rd April
23/04/09 16:32
A response to the first lesson with sound recordings, thinking about the nature of mediascape and sound recording, more thoughts on how I shall organise the Sydney Gardens projectClick here for full transcription
9th March
09/03/09 13:00
More thoughts on the blog and transcribing - Pedagogy and community arts - musing on content and reading - Lots of housekeeping - a diary of things to be done, people to visit, a website to buildClick here for full transcription