Dust and Magic
24th May
24/05/09 05:59
Practicalities, clipboards, disposable cameras and happenings in the partk,. Bridgeman Art Library and copyright. Longer term plans, work for next year perhaps. More thoughts on games. and then on to thoughts about this journal - thoughts on the nature of Space - and having fun as a philosophy - playing.Click here for full transcription
17th May
17/05/09 07:02
gaming and the pedagogy of the hats and sofa - having fun, creativity and teamwork, ways of drawing the drawing out, drawing out the drawing, the nature of digital media - giving young people a sense of power, using a physical map to represent the media scape in the Syndey Gardens. Photosync, tagging, and story telling, the sharing of memory and the collective unconscious. Culture.Click here for full transcription
13th May
13/05/09 05:57
Thoughts on the Sydney Gardens project, history, weaving a tapestry, creating patchwork quilts and digital stories - The landscape metaphor, Bob Hughes again - Thinking about storytelling - an idea to include a talk from Cleo Whit about the history of Sydney GardensClick here for full transcription
10th May
10/05/09 05:58
Mostly thoughts about working with challenging youngsters, planing the Sydney Gardens Mediascape, with plans for the use of Flckr and Twitter, and games - taking old games and developing them - adding the dimension of digital mediaClick here for full transcription
8th April
08/04/09 15:45
Thoughts leading from the reading of Bob Hughes book ‘Dust and Magic’ - Talking to Carolyn Hassan at the Knowle West Media Centre - Thoughts about Peer2Peer, blogging (Stephen Hepple) - Seeing what you expect to see - IT solutions designed by large corporations, or by committee.
Click here for full transcription
Click here for full transcription
18th March
18/03/09 13:05
Thoughts on recording the work that I am doing - and opportunities missed - Bob Hughes - Dust and Magic - on topology, looking at the digital revolution in terms of exploration - Pause and Effect - perspective and plot - The voyeur of the flâneur - More thoughts on the Sydney Garden project - Games, gaming and game theory - the real and the virtual - thoughts on the seminar Click here for full transcription