25th March
25/03/09 07:07
The first meeting of the Silver Group - proposals for online project based around the theme of sustainability
Meeting on Monday in London with the Silver Group and the Bridgeman Art Library looking at and consulting on their proposals for new resources and classroom materials to do with sustainability, not really in my are because it was very much classroom teaching based on resources very much to do with geography and history and that sort of area and the prototype that they have produced was based strongly along the lines of collating data based on decisions that their students have made when they were out in the field so it was very much targeted at Geography this particular one but there were bits that really interested me especially the idea of it being based around tags I guess the idea of tags has come up very strongly through html and into flicr and blogging and all that sort of stuff the tag seems to be the way these days, the sort hand for organising information the tag is the system and beautiful actually the way in which they have produced it to replicate blog cloud tag whatever it is
stuck me as interesting, at the other meeting yesterday, the game tag, the html code and computer code with opening and closing tags, sound bites and little parcels of information.
The origin of the word cheat - cheten - to confiscate, cheat someone of their land.

stuck me as interesting, at the other meeting yesterday, the game tag, the html code and computer code with opening and closing tags, sound bites and little parcels of information.
The origin of the word cheat - cheten - to confiscate, cheat someone of their land.