4th March
04/03/09 13:00
More sorting of blogging and walking, walking and blogging, recording, typing, transcribing, and summarising - Thoughts on the seminar by Mobile Pie and Thoughtden, pervasive media and GPS - The iPhone and the Apple App store phenomenon - A little further with ideas for the Sydney Gardens project - intro to the possibility of looking at community arts and education
I think that I have got the voice recording sussed out this now, this is using the latest voice recorder on the iphone transferring it over to my laptop so that I can delete it off the iphone and then using a transcribe programme called transcribe with shortcut keys so that I can slow the recording down, and stop and start it so that I can type it in. I still realise that most of what I am typing in is tripe and i won’t want to read it again so i am wondering how I use this to get to the important bits Maybe I highlight them in a colour so I can skim back through them. I wonder if I even put them on the website. I certainly think that it would be daft to put the audio on the website because of the amount of space of it would take up, and they are not particularly good quality recordings anyway. In response to Tuesday’s seminar from Mobile Pie and Thoughtden The idea of pervasive media, or walking past shops and getting vouchers and doing things where where you are responding with your phone With Thoughtden they were very much working on trying to create simple workable technologies initially using text but leaning now towards the possibilities of GPS although they had gone through Bluetooth and decided that Bluetooth is an old technology that is going out and it isn’t particularly useful because it isn’t push so what they are looking at there is push technology which is very much what the GPS does. My thought around that is if you subscribe into it by downloading the application on your mobile device then you know what it is that you are doing rather than it being like junk mail unsolicited phone calls that sort of annoying crap and then onto mobile pie and the phenomenal applications that are being built at the moment for iPhone a bit like the gold rush there are fortunes to be made very quickly and it is taking the onus out of the big companies games companies to provide the content and the little guys creating it don’t have to go through the games manufacturers they can simply pay $100 and put it straight onto the iTunes store but then the control is with Apple at the moment Apple very definitely control the content and the way that their rating system works controls to an extent whether things become successful or not other companies are getting in on the act like google nokia producing version of application store google without the sort of constraints of apple so what apple is doing is giving you content that is good so that goes back to the whole question of the web and web 2 wikipedia whether what you get is 99% dross an maybe there should be editorial control so that what you get is value same argument over television BBC and public funding that sort of thing so it is that balance between getting the environment to create the ideas and the exciting applications the applications that are really going to work not just the ones that are going to be commercial and the quality so that it actually works letting the good ideas rise to the surface somehow . There was also my little seminar and slide show I think that I need to build the slideshow with the notes in it but beginning to think how I can use the Sydney Garden mediascape where the experience of the kids comes from whether it is like the voyeurism thing of the framed photograph looking out into a world talking about their own experience imagining themselves into the experience of others attaching an experience to a space like tag which is very similar in some ways to what Duncan Speakman was talking about when he gave his lecture. Judith was also talking about getting enough of the MA content in reading up on others and getting some of the current thought into it. They talked about community arts so I need to start exploring into community arts i am not quite sure that that is what it is that I am doing because I am still remaining pedagogist as she put it, a teacher, an educator, so it does need to come from that point of view