11th March
11/03/09 13:00
The Apple seminar on Mobile Technology, exhibitions - Tom's Bennett's mediascape in Bristol Docks - More diary/housekeeping on the Sydney Garden's mediascape and digital story telling
This one is going to be a bit more of a diary entry rather than thoughts just letting whoever know what is going on, Back over to Bath yesterday it takes 3/4 of an hour to get there and same back so it’s quite a journey really, I am not sure that I want to do it every week, but it is very good to keep in touch. I had about 20 minutes with Cleo Witt at the Holburne Museum really just to update her on what is coming up. Tomorrow I am going to London to the Apple Education mobile seminar for a couple of hours and then to the Picasso and the Gerhart Richter exhibitions I trust and next Monday week I am going to the first of the advisory meetings for the Silver.org the Bridgeman Art library in London, and I am going to see Tom next Tuesday, who is doing a mediascape in Bristol Docks, I have got an appointment to see him next Tuesday. There is also a talk - serendipity it is - a talk by a woman at the old scholar’s weekend who is very keen or oral story telling I am not sure whether it is digital or not but she is coming to is coming to give a talk on the aural tradition, I need to pass that information on to Judith as well and in terms of the mediascape it looks like Phil might join me now I have Jo on board and Dennis as well and will start next Tuesday kicking it off with the new U4th group. My big problem is that I simply don’t have the computers because they are all macs not pc’s and I haven’t got the funding that I need to dual boot the Macs because that is sort of like a couple of hundred quid a machine and it is just not worth while doing at the moment, wait until I get some new machines I think, in relation to the mediascape in may and the Holburne gardens I am leaning more towards the idea of students developing digital stories either telling their own stories or imaginary stories might be better like folk song or whatever, like people watching try and imagine the life storied of the people that use the park and you build stories on that possibly tapping into your own experience that's the idea that I have got at the moment connected with place of course.