Early Morning Dog Walk 19th April 2008
19/04/08 17:49 Filed in: Assignment 2
19th April I have been thinking a lot about my criteria especially after the first set of tutorials yesterday, the first set of presentations and I really am having difficulty whittling down my long list is getting longer and longer and my short list isn't there at all and as to picking out one practitioner I have not managed to do that at all because each of the different practitioners that I have chosen so far on the long list represent a different bit of what I think it is that I am interested in and there is no one really that crosses the span so it maybe that I shall have to tighten up on my criteria to get to my shortlisted 5 but for now I have added Elliot Erwitt last night, the photographer, and i am thinking that I should go through and look out some of the best examples of my photography from the last couple of years to add to my journal. This morning I was also thinking about my real interest in the space of the canvas or the picture plane, the depth of the picture plane how you can take photographs like the one that I took in Victoria station last week where elements of the picture come up flat onto the picture plane while other bits recede and thinking of that in relation to abstract painters I suppose and the whole concept of playing about with pictorial space and thinking of this in particular in relation to web site design and interactive media and trompe l'oeil in relation to creating a limited depth of field within the screen I am sure that there must be artists that i can find that do that I am probably a little bit short on artists working in new media and a lot of the artists that I have chosen are anichent and I am thinking of Cornell and the boxes and how that created that sort of space and that sort of interest in space, not three dimensional really and not two dimensional but somewhere in between (2.5 dimensional) containted in a box that sort of containedness that boxing in framing bracketed containing there has been a lot of that in my thought. There was something else as well. A lot of the current artists I don't really know a lot about maybe I should look a bit stronger longer at who is actually there doing it add Seth Brignal to my list to my long list. I don't particularly want to do that I think that I am quite conservative and traditional myself really oh so where am I going with these thoughts there was something else but I can't remember it at the moment I shall come back to it.
19th April I have been thinking a lot about my criteria especially after the first set of tutorials yesterday, the first set of presentations and I really am having difficulty whittling down my long list is getting longer and longer and my short list isn't there at all and as to picking out one practitioner I have not managed to do that at all because each of the different practitioners that I have chosen so far on the long list represent a different bit of what I think it is that I am interested in and there is no one really that crosses the span so it maybe that I shall have to tighten up on my criteria to get to my shortlisted 5 but for now I have added Elliot Erwitt last night, the photographer, and i am thinking that I should go through and look out some of the best examples of my photography from the last couple of years to add to my journal. This morning I was also thinking about my real interest in the space of the canvas or the picture plane, the depth of the picture plane how you can take photographs like the one that I took in Victoria station last week where elements of the picture come up flat onto the picture plane while other bits recede and thinking of that in relation to abstract painters I suppose and the whole concept of playing about with pictorial space and thinking of this in particular in relation to web site design and interactive media and trompe l'oeil in relation to creating a limited depth of field within the screen I am sure that there must be artists that i can find that do that I am probably a little bit short on artists working in new media and a lot of the artists that I have chosen are anichent and I am thinking of Cornell and the boxes and how that created that sort of space and that sort of interest in space, not three dimensional really and not two dimensional but somewhere in between (2.5 dimensional) containted in a box that sort of containedness that boxing in framing bracketed containing there has been a lot of that in my thought. There was something else as well. A lot of the current artists I don't really know a lot about maybe I should look a bit stronger longer at who is actually there doing it add Seth Brignal to my list to my long list. I don't particularly want to do that I think that I am quite conservative and traditional myself really oh so where am I going with these thoughts there was something else but I can't remember it at the moment I shall come back to it.