
tromp l'oeil

Thoughts on trompe l'oeil website design - relation to Bush and Apple/windows where might it go from here - publishing, collaboration, connect etc. assimilating media into life - mobile devices , google earth


evaluation of diary

EMDWT 6/5/08


The 6th of April (6th of May actually... ed) , heading up the hill wondering how all this stuff is going to be assessed really cause assessment is coming up fairly soon and I wouldn't want to do it thinking about assessment because that is what I am doing at the present as well or will be shortly How do you settle this because in real time you have to go through it all presumably if you were to do it properly and that would take a ridiculous amount of time where as with a sketchbook you can flick through it pretty quick and get a sense of it get a sense of the scale which you simply cannot do with a website or digital media it is much more hidden much more difficult but anyway I am going down this route because it is all about my explorations in digital media and what I do here I have spent a long time over the past two days probably far too long writing up a script for assignment three so that I can experiment with producing it as a podcast umm finding all the umms that I use and actually quite extraordinary writing out a full script it ended up being about 5000 words and then re recording that i was thinking that I might just read it but it is so bloody boring when it is just read so putting it back into conversational style as I re recorded the presentation and I find it incredible how the language is different as I speak it than as I write it the process in some ways would be to read it speak it read it speak it transcribing it each time and you end up with a highly polished bit but I haven't got the time to do that to much to do I still have the first assignment to produce as well I have been playing about this morning with how I put it on the web turn it into a movie getting the size down as much as I can and getting the streaming right or perhaps playing around with putting it up on garage band, not into garage band, you tube put it up , think about web 2 putting it up on you tube I think that that is probably going to be the quickest easiest and best route to go. So what else have I been thinking about in relation to assignment 1 I have a talk coming up soon in San Francisco, it doesn't quite fit the criteria but I have got to prepare that talk to there is not reason why that should not be a part of assignment 5 that is something that I am very definitely doing and I have got to prepare all the stuff for my key stage three ers over the next three weeks so that will be a major part of assignment 5 its all go here is all I can say

Early Morning Dog Walk (2) 3th April 2008



Thinking how my early morning dog walk might fit in with using the iPhone and using MacDictate. Basically the iPhone has made it a lot easier for me to record my thoughts because I tend to carry the iPhone as a music player on my walks - so I always have the phone there anyway so I don't need to be thinking about it in particular. The difficulty with the sound is that it isn't really clear enough and it takes a lot of listening to and ideally I would just take this home and translate it directly into text but the technology isn't good enough to do that yet. I played around earlier in the year with the iPod and iListen to translate what I put onto the iPod but that didn't really work - the quality just isn't good enough yet so I guess the other way round to do it - and it would review my thoughts a second time - would be to listen to the recording from the iPhone on Skype - I am doing this with an answer-phone - letting the message go straight onto the answer-phone, and listen to it a bit at a time and re-dictate it into MacDictate so that I have it there as a text form, because once it is in a text form, I can do searches on it, makes it much more useful and when I end this call magically the music just comes up again.

Early Morning Dog Walk (1) 3th April 2008

Walking back up the hill this morning, in the sunshine, which makes all the difference - pehaps my artwork needs sunshine. Having spent four days clearing out my workshop/studio, installing a wood burning stove and sorting out my collection of stuff.

Experimenting with dog walk thoughts again - this time using a skype in phone - line - phoning into this from my iPhone and recording my thoughts on the answer machine. Although the quality is not good enough to transcribe directly it seems to work OK - although I guess for quick searching etc. I shall need to do some amount of transcription - but this acts as a revision of the walk thoughts. I have looked at using the transcription pack with iListen, but the quality of the recording is not good enough. I could just make a summary of the recording, or I could do a typed transcription - I shall experiment with each. The other slight problem is getting the answer machine recording into this blog - it needs re-recording and then translating into a compressed mp3 so that it will play on this blog. Is it worth while?



The main question to my mind is whether what I am researching in Research Methods is the methods of research themselves or whether I am researching in relation to the school work that I do which is my primary motivation for doing the MA in interactive media or whether the research is towards the artwork that I do in my own practice and whether I am looking at artists that interest me from that point of view and how that then relates back to what I am doing in school because obviously as an art teacher everything that I do and am as an artist feeds back into what I do as an art teacher and what I am enthusiastic about and then that presumably relates back to looking at methodology and who and how I look at. So up until now I have been looking over the Easter holiday at Aardman in particular, reading a book about Aardman and animation, not that I want to be a animator though I must admit that I did have a thought maybe after this MA I should do an MA in animation but that is for the future perhaps. I am definitely thinking that I should be looking at animation although that is not really quite where my own work is. I don't myself want to be an animator, what I work with is very definitely inanimate, more like painting although they are characters, a spoon becomes a person, a fork is definitely anthropomorphic. lots of what I do has that anthropomorphic character. That I am substituting objects for people. So maybe that should be one of the criteria, anthropomorphism, symbolism perhaps, you can't deny that a spoon and a moon are symbolic. And then the playing with words which maybe taps into Ginsberg and poets, maybe there should be a poet on my list somewhere, maybe not Ginsberg, children's books, Lily the Pink, who was the chap that did that? To bring in slightly more of an eclectic mix. There you go enough of that.

Setting up the site 2

In no way could I be said to be a web designer, but in an effort to make a better job of this journal I have been looking for 'drag and drop' software for website design and ended up with Rapid Weaver, having experimented with one or two others. It has taken me an afternoon to set up this site so far - what a brilliant piece of software!

Early Morning Dog Walk Thoughts 13th March 2008

11th March


Setting up the site

Early Morning Dog Walking Thoughts 11th March 2008



On my way up the hill again thinking about this journal, the new journal I have been playing around with Tinderbox and I just don't like the look of it so I am now thinking of actually building a complete website for this journal and that decision is based on the fact that I want to experiment and play with tromp l'oeil in relation to web stuff and I want the journal to look and feel and operate like a proper three dimensional object but be shareable over the web. I realise that my web building skills may not be up to this so I am going to pursue my other research topic as it were which is to try and work as much as I can with drag and drop and to that end I have bought a copy of Rapid Weaver and I am going to spend a bit of time trying to customise that to see if I can make it look how I want it to look and then I am going to have a web address so I will have to think into that one maybe I should set a site up with Cherry just to explore, I could talk to her tomorrow when I see her, or possibly it could be part of iWeb another section of that but we will see, I haven't got that far yet.