DWT 27/5/08
28/05/08 08:53 Filed in: Assignment 5
Walking up the hill with my phone possibly for last time seeing as how this has to be in on Thursday and it's a different hill seeing as how it is half term thinking that I should be getting on with doing an evaluation of the term part of the evaluation would be really what I have learned in terms of methodology .........as well as what I have learned about me getting the quote that I found yesterday I shall have to go back and have a look for it some thing like like 'all art is metaphor' also thinking about doing some more of my own work over the summer for the new new build exhibition it would give me the motivation to do that it made made me think quite a lot about it so it has been a really useful term for all sorts of different reasons thinking about ...............the animation days I have a huge amount of work to do over the next fortnight getting these talks and things organised that I was planning to do for assignment 5 but I have run out of time so I shall just have to talk about what I intend to do ....................................also in the summer really what I want to do is to get going on Tom's work for next do as much of the viewing and reading for that as I can.............. I can't get away from the fact that what I am doing here is the MA.... too windy............. I'll stop
Walking up the hill with my phone possibly for last time seeing as how this has to be in on Thursday and it's a different hill seeing as how it is half term thinking that I should be getting on with doing an evaluation of the term part of the evaluation would be really what I have learned in terms of methodology .........as well as what I have learned about me getting the quote that I found yesterday I shall have to go back and have a look for it some thing like like 'all art is metaphor' also thinking about doing some more of my own work over the summer for the new new build exhibition it would give me the motivation to do that it made made me think quite a lot about it so it has been a really useful term for all sorts of different reasons thinking about ...............the animation days I have a huge amount of work to do over the next fortnight getting these talks and things organised that I was planning to do for assignment 5 but I have run out of time so I shall just have to talk about what I intend to do ....................................also in the summer really what I want to do is to get going on Tom's work for next do as much of the viewing and reading for that as I can.............. I can't get away from the fact that what I am doing here is the MA.... too windy............. I'll stop