27 April 2008
EMDWT 29/4/08 3
30/04/08 05:56 Filed in: Projects
and I am thinking about the Pes animation particularly the hot dog one how that is a little story with a point to it very quick very very short sharp shock combination of collage and Ken Burns zooming in and live action a shot to set the scene you begin to think one thing but it builds the story up then at the end you get the crisis point where the whole film changes absolutely perfect and it is a bit like telling a joke so if you think about this in terms of narrative think of it as telling stories where you set the scene give a bit of information so that you viewer gradually begins to get story then it tells you something at the end that makes sense of the rest of it almost the more you can build it up the more that moment of catharsis happens but then it does not have to be like that it could be just like abstract art I could be pure pattern you could be working with daisies making patterns in the garden it could be painterly it could be pure abstract or it could have some sort of function like a tour through the school where you are trying to tell something specific to someone or it could be collections like looking for all the signposts in school or all the doorways you could do a collection of images like that and put then together so it doesn't have to be a story or a narrative it could be to do with pattern or it could be sort of arty or abstract like the famous Warhol where he just had a fixed camera on the empire state building for 24 hours and people actually sat and watched this as art only heaven knows why. Now there's some ideas
and I am thinking about the Pes animation particularly the hot dog one how that is a little story with a point to it very quick very very short sharp shock combination of collage and Ken Burns zooming in and live action a shot to set the scene you begin to think one thing but it builds the story up then at the end you get the crisis point where the whole film changes absolutely perfect and it is a bit like telling a joke so if you think about this in terms of narrative think of it as telling stories where you set the scene give a bit of information so that you viewer gradually begins to get story then it tells you something at the end that makes sense of the rest of it almost the more you can build it up the more that moment of catharsis happens but then it does not have to be like that it could be just like abstract art I could be pure pattern you could be working with daisies making patterns in the garden it could be painterly it could be pure abstract or it could have some sort of function like a tour through the school where you are trying to tell something specific to someone or it could be collections like looking for all the signposts in school or all the doorways you could do a collection of images like that and put then together so it doesn't have to be a story or a narrative it could be to do with pattern or it could be sort of arty or abstract like the famous Warhol where he just had a fixed camera on the empire state building for 24 hours and people actually sat and watched this as art only heaven knows why. Now there's some ideas
EMDWT 29/4/08 2
30/04/08 05:56 Filed in: Projects
Thinking of the animation still the project and thinking of the apple institute and how it's got to be like that really putting them into small groups and they have got three weeks they have got to produce something they have to plan it out i the first lesson they have got to write out not just a story board but it has got to be a re resume of what they are doing to do they have got to tell me who is in the group how they are doing to do it what it is about the technical stuff that they need to do it with and they can go off and work on it in school where has that bloody dog gone they have got to tell me how they are going to do it they have got to have it all planned out and they can work on it in between times it doesn't have to be just in the lesson perhaps it can be still images they could cobble together they can get all those or maybe it could be scans that they do and they bring with them all of those things would be possible they could work on it for homework well they could work on it together they could come and borrow stuff at break times they could use my room second week on and third week if they want to be in rather than out using the equipment in there ahh I have lost this dog where has she gone.
Thinking of the animation still the project and thinking of the apple institute and how it's got to be like that really putting them into small groups and they have got three weeks they have got to produce something they have to plan it out i the first lesson they have got to write out not just a story board but it has got to be a re resume of what they are doing to do they have got to tell me who is in the group how they are doing to do it what it is about the technical stuff that they need to do it with and they can go off and work on it in school where has that bloody dog gone they have got to tell me how they are going to do it they have got to have it all planned out and they can work on it in between times it doesn't have to be just in the lesson perhaps it can be still images they could cobble together they can get all those or maybe it could be scans that they do and they bring with them all of those things would be possible they could work on it for homework well they could work on it together they could come and borrow stuff at break times they could use my room second week on and third week if they want to be in rather than out using the equipment in there ahh I have lost this dog where has she gone.
EMDWT 29/4/08 1
30/04/08 05:56 Filed in: Projects
Thinking about the animations that I have got to do over the next three weeks with the key stage three kids and how I am going to organise that I was thinking of them just messing about with pixilation in the gardens but I think I need a bit more structure e than that they have got to work in groups because there won't be that many cameras and in a flash of inspiration as I walk up the hill I am thinking probably that we should concentrate more on narrative getting them to produce stories that makes sense of the first session which would be very much about story boarding we could then have the second session that would be about going out and taking the film photographs whatever then the third session that would be putting it together so I am thinking that perhaps comic life would be the best approach that they should tell a story in a number of still images and get the story across in a sequence of still images with shots you could have I shall talk to them about close up shots and framing shots and far away shots different camera angles talk about mood talk about weather they use colour or black or white how they sort of construct the narrative and what story they are trying to get across we could still have space for animation and pixilation in there I don't want to restrict it but the possibility of using a story board type narrative to finish up with as well as an animation might be a really good one the constraint obviously is time and the problem is organisation with so may kids running around particularly if the weather is not particularly good thinking back to assignment 5 now on my MA have got to be working out what I am going to do next and really that goes is very much to do with the website that I am working on the interactive pieces and the animation those are sort of the three threads the animation and the photography that is very much to do with what the kids are doing in work that is their work so what I am doing the website design the blogs the communication bit of it which is the bit that I am exploring and my own work I don't know where that fits in doing the technical learning of it i suppose I don't quite know where I am going to get books from or what books I am going to look at I am thinking towards the animation I have been doing a lot of research into animation I just need to log it getting lots of DVD's out of the library and looking through them I just haven't been very good at logging them yet perhaps I should have a chat with the animation guy at UWE and work on that a bit Svankmeyer I have been looking at loads Lotte Reiniger lots of youtube stuff aardman obviously but animation now if I looked through the animation now that book there is one for the bibliography web site design I am sure that I could go through the bookcase and pull out dozens off books that would form a bibliography of the stuff that I have been looking at over the past few years doesn't have to be now does it it doesn't have to be recent ahh right well thinking that I have to write everything up that I speak I better shut up.
Thinking about the animations that I have got to do over the next three weeks with the key stage three kids and how I am going to organise that I was thinking of them just messing about with pixilation in the gardens but I think I need a bit more structure e than that they have got to work in groups because there won't be that many cameras and in a flash of inspiration as I walk up the hill I am thinking probably that we should concentrate more on narrative getting them to produce stories that makes sense of the first session which would be very much about story boarding we could then have the second session that would be about going out and taking the film photographs whatever then the third session that would be putting it together so I am thinking that perhaps comic life would be the best approach that they should tell a story in a number of still images and get the story across in a sequence of still images with shots you could have I shall talk to them about close up shots and framing shots and far away shots different camera angles talk about mood talk about weather they use colour or black or white how they sort of construct the narrative and what story they are trying to get across we could still have space for animation and pixilation in there I don't want to restrict it but the possibility of using a story board type narrative to finish up with as well as an animation might be a really good one the constraint obviously is time and the problem is organisation with so may kids running around particularly if the weather is not particularly good thinking back to assignment 5 now on my MA have got to be working out what I am going to do next and really that goes is very much to do with the website that I am working on the interactive pieces and the animation those are sort of the three threads the animation and the photography that is very much to do with what the kids are doing in work that is their work so what I am doing the website design the blogs the communication bit of it which is the bit that I am exploring and my own work I don't know where that fits in doing the technical learning of it i suppose I don't quite know where I am going to get books from or what books I am going to look at I am thinking towards the animation I have been doing a lot of research into animation I just need to log it getting lots of DVD's out of the library and looking through them I just haven't been very good at logging them yet perhaps I should have a chat with the animation guy at UWE and work on that a bit Svankmeyer I have been looking at loads Lotte Reiniger lots of youtube stuff aardman obviously but animation now if I looked through the animation now that book there is one for the bibliography web site design I am sure that I could go through the bookcase and pull out dozens off books that would form a bibliography of the stuff that I have been looking at over the past few years doesn't have to be now does it it doesn't have to be recent ahh right well thinking that I have to write everything up that I speak I better shut up.