06 April 2008

Early Morning Dog Walk 9th April 2008



9th April just past the gate thinking about the criteria watched a film last night called Fur which was a fictional portrayal of the life of Diane Arbus and thinking that maybe I should add her to my list of people partly because of the photography that I do and my attempts to capture the moment with photography where people are a bit off the wall a little bit wacky which sort of does fit in with the humour bit but also leaning lots towards eroticism as a criteria, the male in art in particular the male artist I should say and the male artist in relation to the female artist the female model I suppose not the female artist and Diane Arbus very definitely in the film as portrayed by Nicole Kidman had that eroticism that also according to readings about Diane Arbus she was highly erotically charged anyway the way she was with her green eyes and that reminds me of some of the little drawings that I was doing 20 years ago the anima and the animus and the green eyes and how that relates to legends so heading back to thinking about legends, myths and legends I guess and archetypal stories.

Early Morning Dog Walk 9th April 2008



10th April walking the dog.

Thinking - in the journal website thing - that I need to be getting some more stuff about actual research methods. And that could be part of the main website as apposed to the blog, which would be very much this. I could put the reviews somewhere else as well and not have them as part of the blog. It would be just the thoughts, the day to day stuff. I have been looking at animation, pixilation in particular, Angry Kid and the Naked Aussie, and more or less finished the Aardman animation book. Run out of time for one or two of the other books that I got out as they have to go back to the library today, and the Basquat movie which I could watch this morning or take out for another week. Not really got much thinking going on this morning so I won't carry on.... that will be it for today.