
ideas - thinking about new qualifications as research

This is one way that my reserch could go - looking into alternatives to GCSE's, finding out about diplomas, and possibilities for teaching digital at Sidcot

- This could involve the ATI and the possibility of RTC status

Another possibility is work that is aimed towards the conference in Newcastle - doing the research for presenting a session on animation

Ideas - thinking about my practice and what it is

Thinking about the roots of animation - my childhood favourites such as Magic Roundabout, Thunderbirds, Bill and Ben, Noggin the Nog and the Clangers, Muffin the Mule and Mclearan - all early influences.

Research could then reach in to the rich European tradition of puppets and animation - further east to shadow puppets - European story telling, myth and fairy tale, creation stories and legends.

I could try and get hold of Oliver Postgate....