Assignment 3

EMDWT 21/4/08


Another thought is how much I change my ideas over my life time or whether what I have as a teenager is quite fixed really I was thinking of the first, well the second, painting that I did for my degree which fits extremely well with Cornell how much I have moved on the collecting of bits of brass and the making of mobiles when I was in college, Sunderland beach, beach walks Cornell and his sort of drifty beachy woody sort of stuff fits in with Alfred Wallis as well all that sort of stuff how much have I really moved on are we sort of where we are for our life is that why some artists carry on and on is that why I like Picasso so much even thought I don't really like his work because he moves on and he moves on and he moves on whereas someone like Dali didn't really move too much at all really. Do we form our characters early in life. Was I substantially as I am by the age of Four?

EMDWT 21/4/08


Ahh, 21st I think, 21st of April thinking about this presentation which I have to do on Thursday thinking about my target and how it has sort of landed with the dadaists and surrealists quite firmly and looking back over what I have done art wise certainly there has been a huge influence on me from the Dadaists and Surrealists I mean they are maybe the dadaists in particular are sort of one of the real foundation of twentieth century art the big change from painterly to conceptual and thinking of my target and how the artists the dadaists the surrealists fit in I'm not a particular fan of either really I can't say that I particularly like either dada or surrealism I find it a little artificial and intellectual perhaps what I feel is that it is a bit forced that may be just from my own simplistic and naive situation but that is how I feel about it I certainly don't like the surrealists when the head off to too much of an extreme Dali is one of my pet hates, Bellmer that extreme sexuality make me cringe like a car crash I watched 'Crash' and couldn't come to grips with that either but I picked Cornell because he is really safe he is what he is there is no sort of pretence and really thinking that I am what I am and I don't want or need to push myself to be highly intellectual or clever or trying to be politically world changing or anything like that I can just do and and be, do be do be do enjoy which heads me back to the sort of the experience and thinking more about Cornell and particularly his boxes and limited space the collecting in terms of the web which is an extraordinary device for collecting really, collecting and organising and arranging whether it be itunes music or thoughts or images or whatever it is it has that collecting element to it and it fits in terms of the limited space the little bit of space that I am thinking about in terms of website design and trompe l'oeil of the websites themselves and the imagery connected to websites that all fits with Cornell and the collage fits as well the collage and the assemblage so I may not like it or him or my choice but just at the moment it seems to fit extraordinary well quite what I will say about him in the presentation I don't know and I think that is a week or two's time my choice will be very different but that is the way it goes isn't it you look at the list and see where the arrow lands.