25 May 2008
DWT 29/05/08
29/05/08 11:29 Filed in: Musings
A final missive on this inauspicious day inauspicious because it is the last day of this module, it all has to be handed in this afternoon and it is my talk and I only have about half an hour left. inauspicious as well because yesterday was the day that Beryl Cook died, and I have been thinking quite a lot over this module about naive art and she definitely fits that criteria but I really do not like Beryl Cooks work at all i am not sure what I think about her dearth but I don't think that it is a great loss to the art world and yet there is naive art that I do like so what it is what is it where does my taste lie in that minefield.
A final missive on this inauspicious day inauspicious because it is the last day of this module, it all has to be handed in this afternoon and it is my talk and I only have about half an hour left. inauspicious as well because yesterday was the day that Beryl Cook died, and I have been thinking quite a lot over this module about naive art and she definitely fits that criteria but I really do not like Beryl Cooks work at all i am not sure what I think about her dearth but I don't think that it is a great loss to the art world and yet there is naive art that I do like so what it is what is it where does my taste lie in that minefield.
DWT 27/5/08
28/05/08 08:53 Filed in: Assignment 5
Walking up the hill with my phone possibly for last time seeing as how this has to be in on Thursday and it's a different hill seeing as how it is half term thinking that I should be getting on with doing an evaluation of the term part of the evaluation would be really what I have learned in terms of methodology .........as well as what I have learned about me getting the quote that I found yesterday I shall have to go back and have a look for it some thing like like 'all art is metaphor' also thinking about doing some more of my own work over the summer for the new new build exhibition it would give me the motivation to do that it made made me think quite a lot about it so it has been a really useful term for all sorts of different reasons thinking about ...............the animation days I have a huge amount of work to do over the next fortnight getting these talks and things organised that I was planning to do for assignment 5 but I have run out of time so I shall just have to talk about what I intend to do ....................................also in the summer really what I want to do is to get going on Tom's work for next do as much of the viewing and reading for that as I can.............. I can't get away from the fact that what I am doing here is the MA.... too windy............. I'll stop
Walking up the hill with my phone possibly for last time seeing as how this has to be in on Thursday and it's a different hill seeing as how it is half term thinking that I should be getting on with doing an evaluation of the term part of the evaluation would be really what I have learned in terms of methodology .........as well as what I have learned about me getting the quote that I found yesterday I shall have to go back and have a look for it some thing like like 'all art is metaphor' also thinking about doing some more of my own work over the summer for the new new build exhibition it would give me the motivation to do that it made made me think quite a lot about it so it has been a really useful term for all sorts of different reasons thinking about ...............the animation days I have a huge amount of work to do over the next fortnight getting these talks and things organised that I was planning to do for assignment 5 but I have run out of time so I shall just have to talk about what I intend to do ....................................also in the summer really what I want to do is to get going on Tom's work for next do as much of the viewing and reading for that as I can.............. I can't get away from the fact that what I am doing here is the MA.... too windy............. I'll stop
The Sound of Music
27/05/08 09:53 Filed in: Musings
Watching the Sound of Music on a bank holiday Monday
- well listening to it really, as I was ostensibly at
work on assignment 5. But in light of the conscious
film watching that I have been doing over the past
few months I found myself looking at the film in a
new way. It is showing signs of age in this age of
CGI - the jump from set to backdrop shows in places,
but as it is a film of stage show I liked this - and
thus watched much of the film as if it was on stage
rather than film - watching for the set changes,
costume changes, lighting effects. But mostly I was
struck by the eroticism of the film - not explicit,
but implicit in the naive young beauty and sexuality
of Julie Andrews - throwing herself about in gay
abandon - breasts very prominent beneath the
(attractive to me) 'demob' costume at the start of
the film, as she first meets the captain, the eldest
of the girl von traps soaking as she climbs through
the window, Maria again as she confronts the captain,
having fallen into the lake from a boat. The contrast
between the un made up nun and the sophisticated
belipsticked heiress from Salzburg. And the bump in
the tight jodhpurs of Christopher Plummer, as he
sings Edelweiss in the finally. I have not seen the
film in this way before. Or is it just me?
tromp l'oeil
25/05/08 10:34
Thoughts on trompe l'oeil website design - relation
to Bush and Apple/windows where might it go from here
- publishing, collaboration, connect etc.
assimilating media into life - mobile devices ,
google earth
25/05/08 09:00 Filed in: Musings
Musing on animation this morning - the mixing of live
action and CGI in Titanic and I Robot - but more the
comings and goings between film and adverts - car
adverts - the stacked object adverts - the car bits
and the Guinness advert - and this going back into