Early Morning Dog Walk (2) 3th April 2008



Thinking how my early morning dog walk might fit in with using the iPhone and using MacDictate. Basically the iPhone has made it a lot easier for me to record my thoughts because I tend to carry the iPhone as a music player on my walks - so I always have the phone there anyway so I don't need to be thinking about it in particular. The difficulty with the sound is that it isn't really clear enough and it takes a lot of listening to and ideally I would just take this home and translate it directly into text but the technology isn't good enough to do that yet. I played around earlier in the year with the iPod and iListen to translate what I put onto the iPod but that didn't really work - the quality just isn't good enough yet so I guess the other way round to do it - and it would review my thoughts a second time - would be to listen to the recording from the iPhone on Skype - I am doing this with an answer-phone - letting the message go straight onto the answer-phone, and listen to it a bit at a time and re-dictate it into MacDictate so that I have it there as a text form, because once it is in a text form, I can do searches on it, makes it much more useful and when I end this call magically the music just comes up again.