EMDWT 6/5/08


The 6th of April (6th of May actually... ed) , heading up the hill wondering how all this stuff is going to be assessed really cause assessment is coming up fairly soon and I wouldn't want to do it thinking about assessment because that is what I am doing at the present as well or will be shortly How do you settle this because in real time you have to go through it all presumably if you were to do it properly and that would take a ridiculous amount of time where as with a sketchbook you can flick through it pretty quick and get a sense of it get a sense of the scale which you simply cannot do with a website or digital media it is much more hidden much more difficult but anyway I am going down this route because it is all about my explorations in digital media and what I do here I have spent a long time over the past two days probably far too long writing up a script for assignment three so that I can experiment with producing it as a podcast umm finding all the umms that I use and actually quite extraordinary writing out a full script it ended up being about 5000 words and then re recording that i was thinking that I might just read it but it is so bloody boring when it is just read so putting it back into conversational style as I re recorded the presentation and I find it incredible how the language is different as I speak it than as I write it the process in some ways would be to read it speak it read it speak it transcribing it each time and you end up with a highly polished bit but I haven't got the time to do that to much to do I still have the first assignment to produce as well I have been playing about this morning with how I put it on the web turn it into a movie getting the size down as much as I can and getting the streaming right or perhaps playing around with putting it up on garage band, not into garage band, you tube put it up , think about web 2 putting it up on you tube I think that that is probably going to be the quickest easiest and best route to go. So what else have I been thinking about in relation to assignment 1 I have a talk coming up soon in San Francisco, it doesn't quite fit the criteria but I have got to prepare that talk to there is not reason why that should not be a part of assignment 5 that is something that I am very definitely doing and I have got to prepare all the stuff for my key stage three ers over the next three weeks so that will be a major part of assignment 5 its all go here is all I can say