EMDWT 1/5/08
10/05/08 11:47 Filed in: Projects
Thinking about this animation project again and thinking what a good idea it would be firstly for them to write it all down so that they will know exactly what they are doing with a pro-forma so that they can put in their groups they can explain in a paragraph what it is that they are doing and then a prize for the winner and maybe we could do that either by a vote we could put it up on the internet and have a voting system, a five start system so that they vote for their favourite or we could get students at Roehampton university to vote from them or we could get all sorts of people to vote for the best one there will be prize for the best that well provide them with an incentive as to the MA well I am getting wobbly over the next assignment because I am not quite sure what I am doing and I am running out of time again I have got a tutorial this afternoon so I have been scrabbling around with flash and with my website but I really want a lot more content in it having lots of ideas mind the animated people that are all mouth another animation of me that is very simple things that we could so in flash like the press of a door bell that takes you in, the photograph that I took yesterday at the Holburne Museum which was a superbly successful trip and that really is sort of the main part of assignment five form me getting bid so that I have a reason for doing what it is that I am doing the Becta bid that failed the RTC bid that I have got to write out and the pervasive media bid, got three starts not bad but anyway I haven't got any thoughts this morning so I am just going to carry on with my walk.
Thinking about this animation project again and thinking what a good idea it would be firstly for them to write it all down so that they will know exactly what they are doing with a pro-forma so that they can put in their groups they can explain in a paragraph what it is that they are doing and then a prize for the winner and maybe we could do that either by a vote we could put it up on the internet and have a voting system, a five start system so that they vote for their favourite or we could get students at Roehampton university to vote from them or we could get all sorts of people to vote for the best one there will be prize for the best that well provide them with an incentive as to the MA well I am getting wobbly over the next assignment because I am not quite sure what I am doing and I am running out of time again I have got a tutorial this afternoon so I have been scrabbling around with flash and with my website but I really want a lot more content in it having lots of ideas mind the animated people that are all mouth another animation of me that is very simple things that we could so in flash like the press of a door bell that takes you in, the photograph that I took yesterday at the Holburne Museum which was a superbly successful trip and that really is sort of the main part of assignment five form me getting bid so that I have a reason for doing what it is that I am doing the Becta bid that failed the RTC bid that I have got to write out and the pervasive media bid, got three starts not bad but anyway I haven't got any thoughts this morning so I am just going to carry on with my walk.