EMDWT 21/4/08


Another thought is how much I change my ideas over my life time or whether what I have as a teenager is quite fixed really I was thinking of the first, well the second, painting that I did for my degree which fits extremely well with Cornell how much I have moved on the collecting of bits of brass and the making of mobiles when I was in college, Sunderland beach, beach walks Cornell and his sort of drifty beachy woody sort of stuff fits in with Alfred Wallis as well all that sort of stuff how much have I really moved on are we sort of where we are for our life is that why some artists carry on and on is that why I like Picasso so much even thought I don't really like his work because he moves on and he moves on and he moves on whereas someone like Dali didn't really move too much at all really. Do we form our characters early in life. Was I substantially as I am by the age of Four?