The Sound of Music

Watching the Sound of Music on a bank holiday Monday - well listening to it really, as I was ostensibly at work on assignment 5. But in light of the conscious film watching that I have been doing over the past few months I found myself looking at the film in a new way. It is showing signs of age in this age of CGI - the jump from set to backdrop shows in places, but as it is a film of stage show I liked this - and thus watched much of the film as if it was on stage rather than film - watching for the set changes, costume changes, lighting effects. But mostly I was struck by the eroticism of the film - not explicit, but implicit in the naive young beauty and sexuality of Julie Andrews - throwing herself about in gay abandon - breasts very prominent beneath the (attractive to me) 'demob' costume at the start of the film, as she first meets the captain, the eldest of the girl von traps soaking as she climbs through the window, Maria again as she confronts the captain, having fallen into the lake from a boat. The contrast between the un made up nun and the sophisticated belipsticked heiress from Salzburg. And the bump in the tight jodhpurs of Christopher Plummer, as he sings Edelweiss in the finally. I have not seen the film in this way before. Or is it just me?