EMDWT 29/4/08 2
30/04/08 05:56 Filed in: Projects
Thinking of the animation still the project and thinking of the apple institute and how it's got to be like that really putting them into small groups and they have got three weeks they have got to produce something they have to plan it out i the first lesson they have got to write out not just a story board but it has got to be a re resume of what they are doing to do they have got to tell me who is in the group how they are doing to do it what it is about the technical stuff that they need to do it with and they can go off and work on it in school where has that bloody dog gone they have got to tell me how they are going to do it they have got to have it all planned out and they can work on it in between times it doesn't have to be just in the lesson perhaps it can be still images they could cobble together they can get all those or maybe it could be scans that they do and they bring with them all of those things would be possible they could work on it for homework well they could work on it together they could come and borrow stuff at break times they could use my room second week on and third week if they want to be in rather than out using the equipment in there ahh I have lost this dog where has she gone.
Thinking of the animation still the project and thinking of the apple institute and how it's got to be like that really putting them into small groups and they have got three weeks they have got to produce something they have to plan it out i the first lesson they have got to write out not just a story board but it has got to be a re resume of what they are doing to do they have got to tell me who is in the group how they are doing to do it what it is about the technical stuff that they need to do it with and they can go off and work on it in school where has that bloody dog gone they have got to tell me how they are going to do it they have got to have it all planned out and they can work on it in between times it doesn't have to be just in the lesson perhaps it can be still images they could cobble together they can get all those or maybe it could be scans that they do and they bring with them all of those things would be possible they could work on it for homework well they could work on it together they could come and borrow stuff at break times they could use my room second week on and third week if they want to be in rather than out using the equipment in there ahh I have lost this dog where has she gone.