23/05/08 06:56 Filed in: diary
Another little thought that strikes me although I think that I have had this one before related to iPhone and the use of the iPhone for these thoughts walking up the hill this morning taking a photograph of the walk which sort of pin points a time and place and then the ability with the phone to send that image directly back to someone I am thinking of that in relation to Richard Longs work and doing work up the combe with mobile devices where students can take photographs and send them directly back and make a sort of recorded journey of what they have looked at and what they have thought about what they have looked at mapping I guess it is but I think artistic mapping I suppose mapping is what Richard Long was doing a lot and then stopping and taking photographs along the route of how he had changed stones in the landscape so that all fits in with pervasive media but taking pervasive media away from just the earphone thing one thing that I have been thinking a lot about is that when you are out you can't see the screen very well although actually on the iPhone you can so really it is just the crap HP device that is a bit naff I guess when you have spectacles in front of your eyes with a screen with a head up display is will be different but in terms of you know walking about listening and having someone telling you something it is the responding back that I am after so definitely the taking of photographs and getting that back to a central point using these devices the thought came up because I am a roving alarm clock here I have got to phone home from the top of the hill and wake them all up

Another little thought that strikes me although I think that I have had this one before related to iPhone and the use of the iPhone for these thoughts walking up the hill this morning taking a photograph of the walk which sort of pin points a time and place and then the ability with the phone to send that image directly back to someone I am thinking of that in relation to Richard Longs work and doing work up the combe with mobile devices where students can take photographs and send them directly back and make a sort of recorded journey of what they have looked at and what they have thought about what they have looked at mapping I guess it is but I think artistic mapping I suppose mapping is what Richard Long was doing a lot and then stopping and taking photographs along the route of how he had changed stones in the landscape so that all fits in with pervasive media but taking pervasive media away from just the earphone thing one thing that I have been thinking a lot about is that when you are out you can't see the screen very well although actually on the iPhone you can so really it is just the crap HP device that is a bit naff I guess when you have spectacles in front of your eyes with a screen with a head up display is will be different but in terms of you know walking about listening and having someone telling you something it is the responding back that I am after so definitely the taking of photographs and getting that back to a central point using these devices the thought came up because I am a roving alarm clock here I have got to phone home from the top of the hill and wake them all up