emdwt 16/5/08 2
21/05/08 04:59 Filed in: Assignment 5
Thinking about assignment 5 on my way down the hill thinking about the regional training centre bid got to get that together to give to Russell he might be off on Monday so that has to be done very soon and thinking about the pervasive media bid Constance Fleuret the visit to here in the pervasive studio labs and how that fits in with art exchange maybe but the Holburne museum and thinking about the photographs that my students took a fortnight about and thinking that that should be in the - that those should be somewhere as an example of the amazing work that students can do with a camera not - when they are directed and when - that taps back into what I was talking about earlier about energy how a special occasion that they get wound up for like the Holburne visit and then the talk and then they can go out with a camera and they can produce amazing photographs that are maybe not so much theirs they are to do with my energy and how I have presented this but they also have taken the photographs so they are very proud of them and that gives them a boost so it is putting that sort of teaching in on a pretty regular basis but I think if you just teach like that weekly if you become a real class room teacher then a lot of the work that gets done has to rely on your energy and it is not the students who are producing the work and for me the ideal is to get to the point where the students who are working because they 'have' to and it is the students who are producing the energy to work the creative energy so it is a balance there - you have to encourage them you have to put enough energy in so that they can see that what they are doing is good - you have provided the spark - but they have to provide the fire that is my feeling - to put in a series of workshops where we teach skills a series of workshops where we are all doing the same thinking so that they tap into the that put in the special occasions that you really wind up for like the photography project that I am doing at the moment but also give them a lot of space just to get on with their own projects and at lower 5th level if that means they spend a lot of time doing very little then that may have to be the way that it has to go and they produce lots in the second year - one of my big complaints about the AS.
Thinking about assignment 5 on my way down the hill thinking about the regional training centre bid got to get that together to give to Russell he might be off on Monday so that has to be done very soon and thinking about the pervasive media bid Constance Fleuret the visit to here in the pervasive studio labs and how that fits in with art exchange maybe but the Holburne museum and thinking about the photographs that my students took a fortnight about and thinking that that should be in the - that those should be somewhere as an example of the amazing work that students can do with a camera not - when they are directed and when - that taps back into what I was talking about earlier about energy how a special occasion that they get wound up for like the Holburne visit and then the talk and then they can go out with a camera and they can produce amazing photographs that are maybe not so much theirs they are to do with my energy and how I have presented this but they also have taken the photographs so they are very proud of them and that gives them a boost so it is putting that sort of teaching in on a pretty regular basis but I think if you just teach like that weekly if you become a real class room teacher then a lot of the work that gets done has to rely on your energy and it is not the students who are producing the work and for me the ideal is to get to the point where the students who are working because they 'have' to and it is the students who are producing the energy to work the creative energy so it is a balance there - you have to encourage them you have to put enough energy in so that they can see that what they are doing is good - you have provided the spark - but they have to provide the fire that is my feeling - to put in a series of workshops where we teach skills a series of workshops where we are all doing the same thinking so that they tap into the that put in the special occasions that you really wind up for like the photography project that I am doing at the moment but also give them a lot of space just to get on with their own projects and at lower 5th level if that means they spend a lot of time doing very little then that may have to be the way that it has to go and they produce lots in the second year - one of my big complaints about the AS.